Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

DMF203 Description of Final Game

I started this term with a specific game in mind. The idea for it grew a little, and it is now likely impossible to pull off completely. But I believe I can get at least ONE of these games made before the term ends.

My idea is inspired by a subject that fascinates me: chemistry. If you read my first post from this term, I described how I'd like to turn the basic ideas in chemistry into a puzzle game. I even split it into three disciplines, which is why I'm going to do THREE games if there's time. I'll describe my plans for each of them.


GENERAL: This discipline deals primarily with how to read the periodic table and the bonds formed between atoms of each element. My idea for the game is to make the mouse the primary method of play. When the round starts, a random element from the first 20 in the table is chosen and replaces the mouse pointer. When the player clicks, it lays down the element. Then another random element is selected and the process repeats. If the player sees that two elements can form a molecule or begin the formation of a molecule, s/he lays them next to each other. For every completed molecule, a set amount of points are added to the total and extra time is added to the game clock, which signifies when the game will end. The more complex the molecule formed, the greater the points and added time. The completed molecule will also disappear from the field.
There are three elements in the first 20 called Noble Gases that cannot form bonds. These are indicated with a star in the background. These are the "bonus blocks." If a player lays one down, it will automatically bond with everything around it and remove those elements for a huge bonus.

ORGANIC: Organic chemistry deals mostly with nomenclature (that's how to name molecules) and identifying "groups." For example, a carbon bonded to 4 hydrogens is called "Methane," two carbons bonded with 6 hydrogens is called "Ethane," three carbons bonded with 8 hydrogens is called "Propane," and so on. The game version is kind of the reverse of the GENERAL discipline. There's a random group of elements ALREADY on the field and the player needs to click on elements to create specified groups. If they complete a molecule, another one is randomly selected from among the possibilities programmed in, and the player now has to complete the NEW molecule. Naturally, the player scores points every time s/he completes a molecule. As with the other game, there's a time limit that can be restored as molecules are completed.

BIO: Biochemistry deals with DNA and the atomic structure of many biological molecules like carbohydrates and fats. It also explains how the body constructs proteins. For me, the DNA is the most interesting part, so I intend to focus on that. In this version of the game, the player takes the complimentary bases found in DNA--adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine--and uses them to construct DNA strands. In addition, there is a single strand called RNA that uses uracil instead of thymine, and the player can construct either of them at the same time. A completed strand of either RNA or DNA nets the player points and a fresh strand. This is probably the simplest of my ideas.

So this is my game idea(s). Let me know which of these sounds the most interesting and which is the most feasible in the three weeks we have. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

DMF203 Assignment 4: Animation Symbols

Please click on the link below to visit my Google site. My animation symbols are naturally the two files labeled "Animation Symbols."

Click here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

DMF203 Assignment 3: Programmatic Collage

This is what I was trying to do:
Unfortunately, this is all I could accomplish: Visit my webpage
And this is the code I used to get it:
 package  {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.Font;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    public class Main extends MovieClip{
        var shapeOne:MovieClip;
        var shapeTwo:MovieClip;
        var shapeThree:MovieClip;
        var shapeFour:MovieClip;
        var shapeFive:MovieClip;
        public function Main() {
            // constructor code
            trace ("I really hate coding this shit!");
            //End printing stuff
            shapeOne = new TitleScreen;
            shapeTwo = new PeriodicTable;
            shapeThree = new BioCollage;
            shapeFour = new OrganicCollage;
            shapeFive = new InorganicCollage;
            //Now, the stage manipulation stuff...
            //the colon says "It MUST be a MovieClip"
            //CHANGE "Chlorine" -> the "Linkage" of one of your symbols
            addChild(shapeOne); //add to stage
            shapeOne.x = 125;// location LEFT RIGHT
            shapeOne.y = 100; //location UP DOWN
            //NOTE: Y-DOWN is Positive
            shapeOne.scaleX = .5;
            shapeOne.scaleY = .5;
            shapeTwo.x = 88;
            shapeTwo.y = 187;
            shapeTwo.scaleX = .5;
            shapeTwo.scaleY = .5;
            shapeTwo.rotation = 45;
            shapeThree.scaleX = .5;
            shapeThree.scaleY = .5;
            shapeThree.x = 224;
            shapeThree.y = 324;
            shapeThree.rotation = 315;
            shapeFour.x = 280;
            shapeFour.y = 67;
            shapeFour.scaleX = .5;
            shapeFour.scaleY = .5;
            shapeFour.rotation = 315;
            shapeFive.scaleX = .5;
            shapeFive.scaleY = .5;
            shapeFive.rotation = 45;
            shapeFive.x = 0;
            shapeFive.y = 0;
        } //Function Main