Monday, April 4, 2011

DMF203 Assignment 1: Internet Pics

I came into this assignment with an idea already in mind for a game. Whether it will become the first or last one I make this term will be determined later. For now, here are some pictures I found to reference a little while I made my symbols.
My topic is "CHEMISTRY."
This is a fancy model of an Oxygen atom.
Same as above, except it's a model of Nitrogen.
This is a different style model for a Calcium atom.
This is a Hydrogen atom, the smallest model and yet also the best looking in this instance. :)
A group of Magnesium bars. Not entirely relevant, but close enough
A model of the double helix of DNA strands. (Part of Biochemistry)
The process of DNA replication. The helix is split apart and RNA is used to match up the base pairs.
This is the chemical formula for Adenine, one of the four base pairs that make up DNA.
This is Thymine, the second of the four bases. It is always paired with Adenine.
This is Cytosine, the third of the four bases.
This is Guanine, the fourth base. It is always paired with Cytosine.
This is Uracil. It is a base that replaces Thymine in RNA molecules.

All of these were helpful in me determining what symbols I would create. If they seem a little puzzling, I apologize. I will give a brief explanation for my 30 symbols that should clear these up better.

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