Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reflections on Picture Project

    Okay, truth time. I stressed myself out way too much this week, putting things off unnecessarily and trying to cobble together some things for my other classes. So I don't have anything really good to show for this weeks project. Every one of these photos has not been touched up or manipulated in Photoshop. So these photos are pretty much my attempt to salvage as many of the points as I can, though I'm pretty certain I will not be able to salvage them all, and personally, given my lack of effor this week, I don't honestly WANT all the points. But enough about my week; let's talk about my photos.

    So I was walking down the road looking for stuff to photograph. There were plenty of opportunities that I found, but this one just seemed to genuinely stand out. It's a very unusually shaped mailbox, and luckily for me, it's in the shape of a C. But I think the major reason this one stands out for me is because the C shape isn't so much present as it is implied. The mailbox is actually shaped as the "outside" of a C would look, not the way a C actually is. Yet looking at the picture, it's quite easy to see a...uh...C in it. So this one could potentially be my favorite.
   I walked outside and discovered that my leaves had fallen that way! No, really! Okay, okay. So I set them up this way. But so what? I think this photo works very well. The K is clearly contrasted against the grass due to the color of the leaves. It just looks good.
    Where do you go if you're looking for the letter H? I don't know, but I'm guessing a train track isn't the first choice people come up with. As with the K, this one had to be set up a little. While I was walking the tracks, I found a chunk of wood to lay across the center of two planks. I had to add a slight sliver on the left end to complete the middle of the letter, but it still looks very much like an H to me, and perhaps it's even a little creative.
   Okay, so maybe I cheated here, but if it weren't for the white line running parallel to the letter, I think you'd be forgiven for thinking that this was just something I found on the road to my house. If it's not obvious, it's an R. The white letter has worn down so much that it really does look like it's just part of the concrete.
   Finally, here's a Y. It's quite possibly the least creative place you can find one. But hey, in a crunch, it's a fine place to look for one.
    And this is the last photo I'll be uploading. I simply didn't find the time to take the other two I was supposed to. I am, however, quite pleased with the way this one turned out, and I'll be using it on my YouTube channel when I have a chance to. It does a fairly good job of making me look fierce, which is what I was going for. And my shirt is supposed to be very significant as well. (My YouTube persona is a werewolf named Cachinscythe.) So I'm really happy with this one.

    I did not have time to alter the lighting effects or color in Photoshop. Instead, I simply had to use the light provided by the environment I took the photos in. Fortunately, it provided me with the exact look I wanted each photo to have. I didn't get to crop any of my photos either, which disappoints me. There are aspects that I would have preferred to focus better. Overall, I learned more from the Alphabet Soup portion of my project, if for no other reason than that I did more of it.
    So that's all I've got. Barring some sort of catastrohpic event, I am going to ensure that this does not happen again. Because I am NOT happy with how much got done here or the lack of effort I displayed here.

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