Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Book Proposal

    In the world today, there is way too much one-sided thinking, even among those who are smart. It has infected, it seems, most everything in our culture, from politics to entertainment to even our personal lives. While it can't always be avoided, it's rather frustrating to me just how little people seem to care or how unwilling they are to at least try to keep an open mind about things. I have--over the years--written a bunch of essays on various subjects, many of which relate to this topic. They question typical arguments made by people about political attitudes, critical talking points about video games and other entertainment mediums, and even feature an essay about why people shouldn't have to clean up their room all the time.
    Because I'm being lazy and want to tie this into some other projects I'm working on, I'd like to propose taking these essays and compiling them in a book. It's not the most creative idea, I know, but with a little imagination I believe I'll be able to come up with something creative for my cover. I'm thinking something that will be simple and yet convey a lot. How I'll do that I don't know, but I'll figure it out.
   If this proposal is unacceptable, I COULD use this as an opportunity to get myself to finish--or at least continue--writing one of my stories. If that works better, I'm thinking of doing a cover with anime characters should the story be a fantasy or a simple photograph with some window dressing of some kind if I'm writing a romance.
   Anyway, that's my pitch. Let me know what you think. :)

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